Return of product may be allowed for certain items depending on the type of product. Buyers can check for availability of Return of product at the time of checkout and after placing the order.

You may place a Return of product request within 7 days from the product delivery date.

Kindly keep all the required items ready during the return process including original invoice, original packaging, price tags, freebies, accessories, etc. delivered with the product.

Our customer support will guide you on the refund process. Once we have received the product and necessary inspection has been done, you will receive the refund within 7 working days, subject to the approval of your return request.

For replacements/return cases, pickup and delivery of your request will be planned and scheduled from the same delivery address.

We reserve the right to change our policies without prior notice.

Please contact our customer support through email at for your order cancellation, refund, replacement & shipping, or for any queries.